• Tirane, ofroj vend pune vend praktike SEO Internship

Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Marketing
  1. anglisht
We are seeking a University student or recent graduate who wants hands on experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) at a fast growing digital agency (www.atis.al) located in Tirana. The SEO intern will learn how to promote a website and help to make it appear high in search engine results by implementing SEO best practices and techniques. This is a unique opportunity to work closely with our SEO/SEM experts, graphic designers, developers and project managers to create innovative online marketing solutions.

During the internship (3-6 months) you will learn how to:

Coordinate with the web development team for the website on-page and off-page SEO.
Assist with optimizing content
Provide SEO execution of keyword research, reporting, internal link-building campaigns, conversion goals, on-page optimization, local search optimization, social media optimization, image/video optimization, and mobile search with varying difficulty
Manage day-to-day reporting, best practices, marketing materials, strategic plans and recommendations, and activity reports

This position requires the following skills, knowledge and experience:
• Basic knowledge of Online Marketing (SEO, Social Media Marketing, PPC etc)
• General knowledge of HTML
• Exceptional written and verbal communications skills
• Ability to proactively overcome obstacles with minimal supervision
• Excellent Italian language (both spoken and written)
• Excellent English language (both spoken and written)

We offer:

• Professional growth in cutting edge technologies
• Pleasant working environment
• Possibility to work for us after the internship

Please send an email with CV at: careers@atis.al

Albanian Telecommunication Information Services SHPK ( ATIS SHPK) deshiron te vere ne vemendjen e kandidateve te interesuar per punesim se cdo informacion qe do te paraqesin lidhur me shprehjen e interesit te tyre per sa me siper, do te trajtohet me nje nivel sigurie te stadarteve me te larta per ruajtjen dhe perpunimin e te ketyre te dhenave ne perputhje te plote me parashikimet e ligjit nr. 9887 date 10.03.2008 "Per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale" i ndryshuar dhe aktet nenligjore te nxjerra ne zbatim te tij. Gjithashtu, me dhenien e ketij informacioni, kandidati i interesuar deklaron dhe jep miratimin e tij per procesimin dhe ruajtjen e metejshem te te dhenave personale te tij nga ana e ATIS SHPK per perdorim te brendshem te kompanise dhe per qellimin per te cilin ai ka deklaruar vullnetarisht keto te dhena. Kandidati ka te drejte te kerkoj ne cdo kohe shtimin, heqjen, bllokimin apo korrigjimin e te dhenave te tij sipas te drejtave dhe detyrimeve te parashikuar ne aktet ligjore. Me dergimin e CV nga ana juaj, shoqeria ATIS SHPK prezumon qe ju keni marr njoftim dhe keni dhene pelqimin tuaj per sa me siper.
