• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Drejtues i departamentit te marketingut dhe reklamave

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Fusha | Profili i punes
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vetem me eksperience
Agjencia Alba Punesim, per nje klientin e saj, kompani e huaj ne fushen e sporteve online, po kerkon pozicionet si me poshte:

  • Drejtues i departamentit te marketingut dhe reklamave

- Previous experience in communication and advertising agencies.
Very good knowledge of image editing and graphic programs (Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash).
- A digital background with experience in implementation of advertising, web or mobile projects and campaigns would be preferred.
- Exceptional relational skills, team spirit, creativity, a proactive and curious profile

Te interesuarit te dergojne cv-ne e tyre ne gjuhen angleze, ne adresen: info@albapunesim.al
Shenoni tek subjekti: Drejtues i departamentit te marketingut dhe reklamave
Nese jeni pjese e data base-t te agjencise dhe jeni te interesuar per kete pozicion, ju lutem na kontaktoni ne inbox ose e-mail
