• Tirane, Kompani Internacionale Marketingu, ofron vend pune kordinator operacionesh!

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Menaxhim strategjik | Drejtues
  1. anglisht
vetem me eksperience
Kompani internacionale marketingu kerkon te punesoje nje kordinator operacionesh i cili duhet te kete:
1. Aftësi të mira kominikimi
2. Paraqitja te dyqanet, tobakot, restorantet supermarkete etj
3. Takimi me pronaret dhe sqarimi i procesit
4. I shkathet dhe i duruar per te degjuar dhe per te mesuar
5. Mbledhja e informacioneve rreth produkteve
Me poshte gjeni pershkrimin e pozicionit te punes:
Job Title: Operations Executive

  • To execute market research field checks in the form of backchecking, accompanied interviews, spot checks
  • To execute remote electronic checks of market research fieldwork, identifying issues, gaps and areas for improvement
  • To support field teams in relation to the use of electronic devises for data collection, troubleshooting when problems arise
  • To train field teams on data collection procedures and rules and monitor performance
  • To train field teams on use of electronic devises for data collection and monitor performance
Desired skills and experience:

  • Ability to understand and work with electronic hardware/devises
  • Ability to understand and work with different formats and structures of electronic files
  • Ability to work as part of a multicultural team
  • Willingness to travel outside Egypt
  • Knowledge of spoken and written English
  • Work experience in operational roles
  • College or bachelor’s degree in technological/technical/operational subjects

Personat e interesuar te dergojne CV-ne ne adresat e emailit: edmond@hotelcitytirana.com
