• Shqiperi, ofroj vend pune perkthyes ne gjuhen norvegjeze, finlandeze ose daneze

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Operatore makinerie / fabrike
  1. suedisht

TELEPERFORMANCE ALBANIA worldwide leader in the contact center services, positioned even in Albania, is looking for a translator in Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, or Swedish

If you are interested to work in an International Company then apply sending your CV at: [B]reclutamento@teleperformance.al[/B]
For further information: 0694099919/0697050234

Please specify the position you are applying for!

TELEPERFORMANCE ALBANIA lider boteror ne sektorin e Sherbimit te Klientit, prezente ne Shqiperi me 2 filiale ne Tirane dhe 1 ne Durres, kerkon nje perkthyes per gjuhet: norvegjeze, finlandeze, daneze ose suedeze

Nese jeni te interesuar te punoni per kliente nderkombetar, te keni nje kontrate te rregullt pune dhe pagese te kenaqshme duhet te dergoni nje cv ne adresen e meposhtme: reclutamento@teleperformance.al ose kontaktoni ne 0694099919/0697050234

Ju lutem specifikoni pozicionin per te cilin aplikoni.
Ju mirepresim!

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