• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Project Manager

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Perkthim | Interpret
  1. anglisht
me dhe pa eksperience
[FONT=&quot]The Project Manager will be part of the QA Support Team.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He/she will work at Star Albania premises using dedicated tools (Meistertask, Xbench, Transit,GeSTAR, Memsource, etc.), collaborating with the Project Managers and under the supervision of the Technical[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Coordinators, the Project Coordinators and the Project Management Officers.[/FONT]


  • Project Managers will work in a dedicated software environment provided by STAR7 andSTAR7's partners.
  • Project Managers will manage tasks assigned to them through Meistertask, based on the deadline and the priority each one of them has. Project Managers will manage the creation of the project,assignment to translators and delivery to the Project Manager at STAR7 Italy.
  • Project Managers will thoroughly read the specific Guidelines created ad hoc for each Customer in order to be able to complete the process.
  • Project Managers will collect questions from the translator and will manage their work to meet the deadline indicated by the Project Manager STAR7 Italy.
  • Project Managers will take down notes so as not to repeat the same questions/report the same issues again.

[FONT=&quot]Required competencies:[/FONT]

  • Bachelor degree in foreign languages or similar
  • Excellent attention to detail Flexibility, punctuality, organization
  • Computer skills
  • Writing skills
  • Ability to maintain focus on information processing for extended periods of time
  • Ability to switch between different customers to help the overall workflow of the Clusters
  • English knowledge and a good working knowledge of a second language

[FONT=&quot]Please apply by sending an email with your CV at this email address: recruiting@axelera.io[/FONT]
