• Shqiperi,ofroj vend pune Content Writer, per persona me aftesi te mira ne krijim artikujsh ne gjuhen angleze

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Kompania Amerikane Cloudwards ofron vend pune Part/Full time nga shtepia per persona qe kan aftesi te mira ne anglisht (writing).

Orari fleksibel dhe paga te larta.

Puna juaj bazohet ne shkrimin e artikujve,udhezime dhe temat rreth te cilat do shkrunai do ju jepen paraprakisht,ju duhet vetem ti shtjelloni.
Shembuj te artikujve qe mund te shkruani:

Per te aplikuar mund te plotesoni aplication from :

Ose te dergoni email tek cloudwards.jobs@protonmail.com
ne email duhet te specifikioni :
Qyteti:Studimet qe ndiqni ose qe keni perfunduar:
Nga ku e keni mesuar gjuhen anglese:

Ne raste perzgjedhje, ju do te njoftoheni me email nga stafi jone per te kryer nje 'Test Article'.
Kjo kryehet per te stimuluar punen aktuale qe do kryeni gjithashtu na ndimon ne per te vlersuar aftesit tuaja.
Instruskione dhe detaje te metejshme do ju dergohen me Email.


Cloudwards is the leading comparison website for technology. We provide users with comparison tables and informative, well-researched articles so they can make the best decision for their needs. We provide video reviews and tutorials to make out articles and we pages more interactive for the user.

We're looking to strengthen our writing team with a few people that are interested in writing about software (with a focus on technology, VPNs, antiviruses etc.). If that sounds like a good fit for you, you should apply.

We would like from you to fill out our application form so we can know you better.
If we like what we see, we’ll invite you to write an trial review that we won’t publish, and if all that goes well we inviting you to join the team.

We look forward to seeing your applications.
Good luck!
