• Arabia Saudite, kerkohen Waiters/Waitresse, Housekeeping Worker, Housekeeping Supervisor, Private trainer, Baby sitter

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Banakier | Kamarier
  1. anglisht
We are currently running a recruitment campaign to hire staff in Saudi Arabia on behalf of our client.

We are looking for:
Waiters/Waitresses 800
- 1200
Housekeeping Worker 600 - 800
Housekeeping Supervisor 1000
- 1500
Private trainer 1000
- 1500
Baby sitter 800
- 1200
+ plus accommodation, food and transportation, yearly earl ticket and medical insurance are provided.
Company offers 2 year contracts, visas plus air ticket.

If you are interested in attending this jobs please kindly share your updated CV at laura@erc-int.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you

