Recent content by Energy System

  1. E

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Freelancer Menaxher Shitjesh

    Kompania "ENERY SYSTEMS LTD" kerkon te punesoj Menaxher Shitjesh. KRITERET: 1.Te njohe tregun dhe te realizoje studime sipas detyrave te caktuara. 2.Te marre pjese aktive ne percaktimin e detyrave dhe realizim e tyre. 3.Te realizoje shitjet sipas planit. 4.Te organizoje takimet marketing...
  2. E

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune INXHINJER MEKANIK

    ENERGY SYSTEMS ERG - SAMSUNG AIR CONDITIONING ALBANIA requires Mechanical Engineer for Air Conditioning applications. Requirements: 1. Graduate from Polytechnic University in Mechanical Engineering in the field of Air Conditioning Systems 2. Licensed Mechanical Engineer...