• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Arketare Sezonale

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
2 TEG | Lunder | Farke | Mjull-Bathore
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Shitese | Kasiere
Kompania Panto Resort e cila operon ne fushen e sherbimeve dhe te tregtise ofron vend pune per Arketare Sezonale.

Kantidatet duhet te plotesojne kriteret e meposhtme:

1. Degree in Finance / Accounting or related field.
2. Minimum one/ Two years of experience in finance / accounting function.
3. Any other qualification in related field is a plus.
4. Good team player and willing to work in a dynamic environment.
5. Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office related programs, especially Excel and Word.
6. Good knowledge of English.

Te interesuarit per kete pozicion te dergojne CV me te dhenat e tyre me subjekt pozicionin per te cilin aplikojne ne adresen e-mail : emiliiden@hotmail.com

Aplikimet pranohen deri ne date 30.07.2020
