• Tirane, kerkohet Java Spring Expert

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
7 Rr. e Kavajes | 21 Dhjetori
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Fusha | Profili i punes
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vetem me eksperience
Java Spring Expert
InfoWeb is an Italian multinational information technology company with modern and prestigious operating offices in Tirana, we work with important Italian customers (mostly in the banking and finance industries) in collaboration with Microsoft for the application of DevOps methodologies in the Azure area.
We are searching for a skilled senior Java/Spring developer that will work in Tirane reporting directly to the Customer’s PM. Our economic proposal is proportional to actual skills, and we provide as well continuous training and mentoring and outstanding chances of professional growth.
We require good experience in at least 2 of the following points:

  • Java development with spring framework (especially Security, MVC, Redis, Java Persistence API [JPQL/NQL/Hibernate], Dependency injection, Integration, Batch);

  • AngularJS and related technologies (CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript);
  • working with complex data models using UML;
  • Groovy scripts.
Nice to have, experience in:

  • NoSQL database (Solr);

  • REST architecture and SOAP protocol.
A knowledge of Italian or English for team collaboration is required since there will be daily communications with the Italian Customer’s P.M.
Please send your Resume in Italian or English at:
job@infowebgroup.it or visit our site
