• Durres, Kompani Internacionale ofron vend pune auditues!

Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Kontabilitet | Audit
  1. anglisht
me dhe pa eksperience
Kompani internacionale marketingu kerkon te punesoje auditues ne qytetet Tirane, Durres, Elbasan Shkoder, Vlore, Fier, Peshkopi, Korse, Kukes, Lac. Me poshte gjeni pershkrimin e pozicionit te punes ne shqip dhe ne gjuhen angleze:

Job Title: Auditor
Job Description:
The Retail Field Auditor’s main responsibility is the collection of information. Training is provided in order to deliver the necessary elements required to perform the job timely and with quality, according to the specifications required.
The Auditor will be provided with a Hand Held Terminal, with which to take information and characteristics related to products such as: quantities, prices, promotional activity, among others. This activity is done by visiting different types of commercial stores that currently cooperate with us, among them we have: Cafeterias, restaurants, supermarkets, etc., located throughout the city and surrounding villages. In the case of a cancellation, the Auditor will find other store with the same criteria to cooperate with this store and shopkeeper to let us collect the required information.

Titulli i punes : Auditues
Pershkrimi i punes:
Pergjegjesia kryesore e audituesit ne fushen e shitjeve ne pakice eshte marrja e informacionit. Trajnimi per punen eshte i perfshire, ne menyre qe te percillen elementet kryesore, te cilet nevojiten per te kryer punen me saktesi dhe ne kohe, sipas specifikave perkatese.
Audituesit do te pajiset me nje aparature, me te cilen do te merren informacionet dhe karakteristikat e produkteve si: sasia, cmimi, aktiviteti promocional etj. Kjo detyre do te kryhet duke vizituar tipe te ndryshme subjektesh te cilat bashkepunojne me kompanine tone, ku perfshihen: kafene, restorante, supermarkete etj. , te cilat ndodhen ne zona te ndryshme te qytetit dhe fshatrat perreth. Ne rast se nje nga subjektet bashkepunues nderpret kontraten, audtituesi duhet te kerkoje nje subjekt te ri, i cili do te jetei i gatshem te bashkepunoje dhe te na lejoje te marrim informacionin e kerkuar.

Personat e interesuar te dergojne CV-ne ne ​adresat e emailit: christodoulos.christodoulou@retailzoom.net edmond@hotelcitytirana.com
