• Katar, ofroj vend pune Banakier/e

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Banakier | Kamarier

Luminous espresso industry is a coffee company born in Europe with over 10 years of experience and coffee related passion. We are constantly enriching our services based on our key principles. Focus on our deliberately quality products and in our customer-centric approach.
Coffee is the second most popular drink on earth, but only few people comprehend the art behind this delicate drink. Based on our business expertise and a detailed-driven strategy, from the roasting until the final brewing, we are delivering exceptional products. Our thoroughly selected suppliers in combination with our devoted professional stuff will show you that great skills and proper care can create the perfect coffee.

Luminous is in need for Bartender (Male or Female ) in the state of Qatar


-Te jete i/e afte te njohi dhe pergatisi te gjitha llojet e pijeve.
-Te jete i/e afte tu pergjigjet pyetjeve te klieneteve ne lidhje me produktin e ofruar.
-Tu pergjigjet telefonatave te klienteve dhe te zbatoj porosit ne kohe.
-Ti raportoj te gjitha ankesat e klienteve manaxherit ose mbikeqyresit te turnit.
-Te jete i/e afte te parandaloj situata te ndryshme qe kane te bejn me sherbimin ndaj klienteve.
-Te sistemoj ose risistemoj produktet.
-Te mbaj paster ambjentin e punes.

Kualifikimet / Kërkesat

-Me eksperienc.
-Nga mosha 20-27.
-I/e afte te punoj ore shtes ose ne raste te vecanta.
-Te kete nje qendrim profesional.
-Te kete aftesi te mira oratorike dhe shkrimore.
-I/e mire organizuar.
-I/e mire orientuar me produktet.


Te gjithe te interesuarit/interesuarat te dergojne CV-ne e tyre ne adresen e meposhtme te emailit: alda@admc-usa.com

*CV-te duhet te jene ne gjuhen angleze dhe duhet te permbajn foton e aplikantit/aplikantes.

Tel. : 045605194

Tel. : 045605194
