• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Affiliate Marketing ( SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING )

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Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Menaxhim
Agjencia e Punesimit "ALBA PUNESIM" është një agjenci punësimi, e cila ofron një gamë të gjerë shërbimesh ne fushen e keshillimit dhe rekrutimit. Ne përdorim profesionalizmin tone ne fushen e burimeve njerezore për të kontribuar në fushën e biznesit privat, dhe për t'ju përgjigjur nevojave të bizneseve, duke u siguruar kandidatet me te mire ne tregun e punes, ne menyre që të funksionojmë si një agjenci me etikë të shëndoshë dhe të përgjegjshëm në punën tonë.
ALBA PUNESIM ka filluar procesin e selektimit te kandidatëve. P
er nje klientin e saj, nje kompani e huaj ne fushen e sporteve online, kerkon:

Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate-marketing specialist creates a partnership between a website publisher or affiliate and a vendor. This revenue-sharing rapport will allows both parties to make money based on the number of clicks, registrations and transactions. The candidate will manage the relationship between our company and affiliate partners to help drive sales revenue for our company.


The primary job of the affiliate-marketing specialist centers on planning, developing and executing marketing programs that support and recruit new affiliates.
The candidate will interface with product marketing, information technology and marketing communications to roll out different affiliate marketing initiatives. Some of these activities include performing marketing research on potential affiliate partners; monitoring affiliates and enforcing company procedures around affiliate programs; reviewing affiliate contracts, nurturing relationships with external vendors, affiliates and partners; and creating campaign reports that show progress and return on investment.

Bachelor degree in marketing, advertising or a similar field.
Flexible, team working and problem solving mentality
Project management, website management and strategic planning are a plus
The knowledge of more languages will be an advantage

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Affiliate Marketing
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