• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Financal Clerk, Financier/e

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Ekonomist-Financier/e
  1. Gjuha?
vetem me eksperience
We are one of the leading beverage industry producers in Albania. Because of the extension of our activities we are looking for:

Financal Clerk

1. Production registers
2. Invoicing
3. Cost analyses

For this position is required:

1. University degree in Economic Faculty
2. 2-3 years of work experience
3. Financial programme (Financa 5) literate, Ms Office literate
4. English language

Ne jemi nje nga kompanite kryesore ne prodhimin e pijeve ne Shqiperi. Per shkak te zgjerimit te aktivitetit te shoqerise ne jemi duke kerkuar:


1. Mbajtja e rregjistrave te prodhimit
2. Faturimi
3. Analiza e kostos

Kandidati qe aplikon per kete vend pune duhet te kete:
1. Te kete mbaruar studimet e larta ne fakultetin ekonomik
2. 2-3 vjet eksperience pune
3. Te kete njohuri ne programin financiar Financa 5, te kete njohuri te MS Office.
4. Te njohe dhe flase gjuhen angleze.

Tel. : + 355 4 250 606

Cel. : 068 40 400 74

E-mail: job.hr@hotmail.com

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