• Tirane, ofroj vend pune SEO Copywriter/ Content Curator

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
10 Rr. Durresit | Prokuroria
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Informatike | Programim
  1. italisht
vetem me eksperience
We are Rubik Technologies, a Digital Agency focused in Web Development, E Commerce and Internet Marketing. We are currently expanding our team of talented developers and we are looking for an SEO Copywriter/ Content Curator.
Our new smart colleague will accomplish the following activities:

SEO Copywriter:

  • Keyword research activities in collaboration with the SEO Specialist.
  • Definition of an editorial plan for blogs
  • Writing articles in SEO.

Social media manager:

  • Care of the social profiles indicated by the company.
  • Definition of an editorial plan for each channel.
  • Study and creation of original content and posts.
  • Image manipulation and creation of templates.

Community Manager:

  • Moderation and management (according to defined flows with the customer) of all questions or comments relating to the company and the products and the experience on the same.
  • Engagement or interaction with users and stimulation to create community when there are generic comments or interaction with published posts.

Your skills:

  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Italian language
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English language
  • Creative writing
  • Creating original content
  • You have managed previously a social media profile

  • Good knowledge of written and spoken German/Spanish/French is a big plus
  • Knowledge of Search Engine Optimization

We need to have a solid foundation for all the exciting things we are currently planning for, so join us and make a difference!
Apply to info@rubik-technologies.com with your updated CV and let's talk together.

