• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Kompania Teknoxgroup Shqiperi kerkon kontabilist/kontabilist

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Kompania Teknoxgroup Shqiperi kerkon kontabilist/kontabiliste detyrat dhe pergjegjesit si me poshte.

Responsible for all the accounting entries related to:

1.1. Purchase

1.2. Sale
1.3. Bank transaction
1.4. Cash transaction
1.5. Custom clearance
1.6. Expense allocation

2. Responsible for money transaction:

2.1 Responsible to make in due time payments to suppliers through bank transfer
2.2 Responsible to make in due time payment to suppliers in cash in respect with fiscal law
2.3 Responsible to follow up the advances to employees and their liquidation

3. Responsible to reconcile in trimester base with:

3.1 Suppliers
3.2 Customers

4. Responsible to fulfill in due time:

4.1 Tax declaration and payment
4.2 Social and health insurances declaration and payment

5. Responsible for proper use of fiscal case machine.

Te interesuarit te dergojne CV-ne e tyre ne kete adrese: gent.gogaj@teknoxgroup.com. Aplikimet mbyllen me date 23.04.2015

Tel. : T: +355 (0) 44 504 747
