• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Inxhinier per testimin e automatizuar

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
2 Rr. e Elbasanit | Shkolla Baletit
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Informatike | Programim
  1. anglisht
The job role of Automation Developer: TEST AUTOMATION ENGINEER with competencies to design and write programs that run automatic tests on new and/ or existing software and will be crucial part of our EXCELLENT DEVELOPMENT TEAM.
Technical job responsibilities;

  1. Strong ability to direct automation testing activities and active role in development team.
  2. Review requirements, specifications, user documentation, helping files, instructions and other project documentation to assure quality of the products and tests to be developed; i.e., perform manual static testing.
  3. SELECT and DEVELOP appropriate test automation tools, applying the latest techniques in test automation; e.g., data-driven testing.
  4. Work with the Development team to capture and reuse automated Unit Test Cases, Test Stubs and Drivers, and other Development test objects.
  5. Work closely with the Development team to create and maintain an automated nightly build verification test.
  6. Ensure proper version control and configuration management of all test objects developed and test environments used.
Job requirements;
a) Bachelor’s degree in computer science, software development, or a related field.
b) Previous experience as a test automation engineer.
c) Proficiency in programming languages such as C# and Java, other relevant programming languages.
d) Excellent mathematical and problem-solving skills.
e) Highly accurate and detail-oriented.
f) Highly able to proper organize and rationalize working time.
Years of experience: 2+
Applications must be sent at hr@3i-solutions.net not latter than 15.10.2021
Don’t sit down and wait for the Opportunity get up and choose 3i 😊
