• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Freelancer SEO-SEM SPECIALIST

  1. Freelancer | me projekt
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Menaxhim strategjik | Drejtues
  1. anglisht
vetem me eksperience
We are looking for SMM Expert

Skills this project requires:
- Experience managing social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
-Strategy planning. ...
-Tactics and execution. ...
-Community management. ...
-Understand how content works on a social web. ...
-Optimizing content and technology. ...
-Creative mindset. ...
-Writing skills. ...
-Be on top of the latest digital marketing trends.

To do tasks:
-Design Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and other social profile and page.
-Facebook Fan page designing, marketing and managing.
-Create valuable events for Facebook.
-Embed website in Facebook fan page so that fans can easily access my website in Facebook fan page.
-You tube Video marketing and background designing
increasing views, likes and subscribers on YouTube. (Both real and fake)
-Marketing and managing all social profiles and pages.
-Increasing Likes, Followers and circles on social media.
-Marketing and SEO for all my websites
-Marketing plan for business.
-Highly interactive strategy supply for SMM.
-Creating Account for Bookmarking.


- Njohje optimale e platformave google Adwords, Youtube Ads, Facebook e Instagram Ads, Bing Ads, Linkedin Ads, Criteo e Google Analytics
- Monitorim dhe optimizim te trendit te performancave digitale ne fushen seo.
- Mbeshtet grupin per realizimin e (banner, landing page, social media adv, SEM e DEM)
- Menaxhimin e aktiviteteve promovuese ne kanale te ndryshme blerje (web, social network, strumente email mktg, retargeting e circuiting )
- Krijimin, menaxhimin, optimizimin e web faqes dhe permbajtes te saj, aplikacioneve, zhvillimit te app, software menaxherial dhe projekteve te ndryshme digitale.
- Autonomi ne pune dhe aftesi ne problem solving
- Njohje e thelluar e paketes Microsoft Office
- Njohje e mire e fuksionimit te pergjithshem te rrjetit
- Pasion dhe interes per fushen e digital marketing
- Njohje e mire e dinamikave te mediave sociale
- Kompetent ne project management
- Njohuri e strumenteve analitike dhe matrices se interpretimit
- I hapur per te punuar ne grup
- Disponueshmeri per te punuar per periudha te shkurtra ne Europe
- Njohje e gjuhes Angleze, njohuri ne gjuhe te tjera jane nje plus

Me marreveshje me mundesi rritje si edhe pagese shtese me komision ne varesi te permbushjes se objektivave.

Projekti eshte ne zhvillim.
Bashkepunim afatgjate mund te krijohet ne varesi te aftesive.

Please send your CV and Cover Letter at: b.topics@balkantopics.com

Viber&Whatsapp: +32 485 998113
Do not contact this number before sending your CV or having a confirmation e-mail.


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