Search results

  1. E

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Electronic Engineer

    A new Electronic Engineer needed for work in Technical Company. The position is for installation and programming of telecom equipment. The canditates requirements are: 1.University degree from Engineering University, 2.English Language , (Greek language would be also preferable) 3.Computer...
  2. E

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune INXHINIERE ose FINANCIERE

    Egnatia O.Albania Kompania Egnatia O.Albania e cila ka si aktivitet sigurimin e sherbimeve per industrine e telekomunikacionit kerkon te punesoje Asistente ne departamentin e Finance Prokurime qe te plotesoje keto kritere: Te jete diplomuar ne Fakultetin e Inxhinierise ose Ekonomise. Te...