• Tirane, ofrohet vend pune Laravel Developer

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
5 Blloku
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. IT | TIK | Informatike Ekonomike
  1. anglisht
Royal York Property Management is a property rental and leasing company with a portfolio of over 13,000 properties, that offers guaranteed rental income. Valued at $7.8B+ in real estate assets under management, the company is advancing technology in their processes, systems, and expanding globally. With 15 office locations across Ontario, Canada and 2 office locations in Europe, the company is leading the potential in property management, and surpassing the client experience by having all departments operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We are looking for individuals who have the technical ability to fill in the position of Laravel Developer. Your main responsibility will be designing and implementing applications that are written in PHP. This means you will work closely with full-stack developers to integrate backend and frontend components with the components they are creating for users to interact with. You will be assisting the team in delivering high-quality web applications, services and tools for our business.


  • Design and implement web applications that use the Laravel framework.
  • Identify and fix bugs that are found within code.
  • Understanding analytics, coding for websites in Laravel, Keywords, and blogs.
  • Interact with SQL databases.
  • Ensure all inputs going to a database have been parametrized.
  • Ensure you’ve written unit test cases to verify code is performing as expected and to prevent possible security breaches.
  • Discuss project aims with the client and development team.
  • Recording and reporting on work done in Laravel.
  • Maintaining web-based applications.

  • A degree in programming, computer science, or a related field.
  • Experience working with PHP, performing unit testing.
  • A solid understanding of application design using Laravel.
  • Knowledge in HTML and JavaScript.
  • Search engine optimization experience.
  • Problem-solving skills and critical mindset.
  • Great communication skills.
  • The desire and ability to learn.
  • Excellent written and verbal English skills.
  • Ability to work in team.
  • Ability to work 6 days a week.
  • Ability to work 50 wpm.
To apply for this position please click on the link below: https://royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca/job/AL%20-%20Laravel%20Developer

