Recent content by arkit

  1. A

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune JAVA Developer

    ARK IT is looking for a highly skilled developper with extensive knowledge in JAVA technology. The applicant will need to possess strong multitasking skills, customer-facing skills and the ability to work independently. Responsibilities will include: Develop design documentation for new...
  2. A

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Web Programues

    Kompania ARK IT sh.p.k. kerkon te punesoje 3-5 programues per web. Aplikanti duhet te zoteroje aftesi te mira komunikimi, interpretimi dhe aftesi te punes ne grup. Duhet te zoteroje njohurite e nevojshme mbi teknologjite e perdorura ne web. Edukimi dhe Kualifikimet Preferohet diplome ne...