• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Freelancer Programues

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
9 Qender
  1. Freelancer | me projekt
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Informatike | Programim
  1. anglisht
vetem me eksperience
We're looking for a React Developer to join our growing frontend team.
As a React Developer, you will help develop the next generation of our apps using tools such as React.js, Redux, Enzyme and Webpack. You should be familiar with React and its ecosystem.

We're looking for someone who is comfortable with a fast-moving environment and can learn quickly.

  • Develop new components and features for our frontend app(s)
  • Write, audit, and improve our test coverage
  • Document and refactor our frontend codebase
  • Profile and improve our frontend performance
  • Write about your work and contribute back to open source
[h=4]Requirements[/h] While these requirements are a guideline, feel free to apply even if you don't meet some of these.

  • 2+ years' experience working with a Javascript framework, preferably React
  • In-depth understanding of Javascript, the DOM, and relevant concepts
  • Proficiency with browser based debugging and performance testing
  • Understanding of progressive web apps
  • Experience with a testing framework (Jest/Mocha)
  • Experience using Git
  • English written and spoken

Cel. : 0695169253
