• Sustainable Environment Albania (SEA) ofron Internship ne OJF

Sustainable Environment Albania (SEA) eshte nje OJF e cila angazhohet kryesisht me projektim/zbatim projekti, aktivitete dhe ekspertiza te fushave te ndryshme, kryesisht me angazhim ne projekte te financuar nga Bashkimi Europian.

SEA organizon Internship-e per te rinj energjike dhe te motivuar per te zhvilluar aftesite e tyre ne fushen e shkrimit dhe zbatimit te projekteve kryesisht te financuar nga BE.
Kjo thirrje per Internship nuk eshte e limituar vetem ne nje profesion.
Nese keni deshire te jeni pjese e nje ekipi vital i cili synon me cdo nisme/projekt te permiresoje Shqiperine apo perqasjen individuale kundrejt nje te ardhmeje progresive, kemi kenaqesine t'ju mirepresim per fazen e pare te intervistave tona.

Fusha kryesore e veprimtarise se SEA permban:
- Ekspertiza mjedisore, turistike, ekonomike, juridike, medicinale etj.
- Aktivitete si Workshop-e, rekreative, trajnime etj.

SEA kerkon per Internship nje student/e qe ka motivimin e duhur per te mare eksperience ne projekte te financuara nga Bashkimi Europian me perspektive punesimin ne SEA. Duhet te kete njohuri te mira te gjuhes angleze duke qene se puna do te behet kryesisht ne anglisht.

Internship job description:

  • Deal with all logistical and secretarial issues arising during project implementation;
  • Undertake all routine functions of office management and project support;
  • Assist in the organizational management of the Project Office;
  • Provide professional translations and text editing in English language, as required;
  • When assigned working in a project, keep accounting of project related expenditures;
  • Assist in planning, co-ordination and submission of project reports;
  • Advise effectively and diplomatically with project team;
  • Administration and maintenance of common-use office equipment;
  • Correspondence (phone, e-mail);
  • Organisation of logistical support for conferences, presentations, trainings etc.;
  • Maintain records of Short/Long Term Experts’ reports;
  • Assist in printing and editing project reports and other materials when required;
  • Take care of experts’ timesheets check and signature;
  • Produce Minutes of official meetings as required;
  • Work closely with the Project Team and the Executive Director;
  • Prepare PowerPoint presentations on request of the Executive Director;
  • Any other tasks appropriate to the smooth-running of the project office;
  • Liaise with project counterparts on day-to-day implementation of project activities;
  • Perform other duties as determined by the Executive Director or Project Manager.

Please send your CV in English (europass format with a photo) at the address:
Applications for this Job Offer are valid from 22nd of April 2019 until 31st of May 2019.
You will be notified if your CV is selected for the First Phase of interviews.
