• Tirane, kerkohet Freelancer Inxhinieri-Transport

  1. Freelancer | me projekt
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Inxhinieri
Foreign Company is looking for Engineers / Experts and Non/Key Experts. Each non-key expert shall have a minimum of 5 years of specific experience for the junior and minimum of 10 years relevant experience for senior experts in the fields such as but not be limited to:

- Vehicle Regulation Inspection
- Traffic & Road Design Engineer
- Road Safety Communication Specialist
- Training expert
- Road engineer
- Legal expert
- EU programming expert
- Environmental expert
- ESIA expert

All NKEs should have at least University-level degree and should be fluent in the written and spoken English language.

Please feel free to send Your CV and a phone number to contact You for more information.

email : employmentep33@gmail.com

