• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Hostess, Bartender , Waitress

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Afroze Company situated in Middle east owns job contracts in the position Bartender , Hostess , Waitress .
We are situated in Arbil Iraq .
We offer to the interested people Visa , Fly ticket , Accommodation , 2 main meals . Every day transport from accommodation to your job place .
The salary for hostess and bartender 700 USD , for waitress 600 USD plus tips .
Once in the year 30 days holidays payed .
Send CV plus portrait picture and for fast visa also photocopy of passport . You do not have to pay nothing just to fly and join your new job . The job contract will be signed after job interview .
Make sure to leave us the right telephone number and address email to contact you later .
We thank you .

Tel. : 009647506164806

Cel. : 009647506164806
