• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Real Estate Evaluator

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Finance-Specialist | Banke / Sigurime

Regular reviewing of external evaluators reports in order to cross check their compliance to the policies of the Bank.
Review of appraisal reports produced by Bailiff Office in order to cross check their compliance to the policies of the Bank and the regulations of supervising authorities, when required by Bank’s authorities.
Perform internal evaluations in order to ensure update of collateral values for impairment purposes, when required from Bank’s authorities.
Provide technical advice through the interpretation of a range of relevant information in order to safeguard the interests of the Bank.
Ensures re-evaluation of collaterals from internal resources for the purpose of impairment calculations. Such valuations will not be taken into account for loan granting / amendments / restructurings, etc.
Based on the internal procedures for repossession of collateral under bailiff process, supports the process of selection of collaterals to be acquired from the Bank as well as the selling process.
Processes the valuation/revaluation request according to the Valuation Manual.
Assigns the cases based on specific criteria, to an external appraiser chosen from the approved list of the network of external appraisers. The criteria focus both on the equal, as far as this is possible, distribution of the volume of work in each region and on relevant expertise of the selected external appraisal. Random assignment and rotation of the appraisers must be followed.
Permanently monitorS the collaterals valuation activity conducted by agreed external evaluators from the quality and delivery terms point of view.
Archives in soft and hard copy all the valuation/revaluation reports


University Degree – Faculty of Civil Engineering (all the related branches of this faculty).
Possessing of the proper license (first or second rank).
Ability to work fast and meet deadlines in a demanding working environment.
Excellent written and communication skills.
Computer proficiency.
Good knowledge of English and even of Greek will be considered as assets.

E-MAIL: nbgal.hr@nbgal.groupnbg.com
