• Ballsh, kerkojme inxhiniere Teknologjie (kimiste te larte), dhe Nafte

  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Inxh. Industriale
  1. anglisht
vetem me eksperience
Kompania ''Byllis Energji" Kompania me e madhe e perpunimit te naftes dhe nenprodukteve te saj kerkon te punesoje:

Inxhiniere Teknologjie dhe Inxhiniere Nafte

Kandidatet duhet te plotesojne kushtet si me poshte:

1. Te kene perfunduar studimet e larta ne deget e Inxhinierise se naftes, dhe te inxhinerise Kimike (Bachelor+Msc)
2. Te kene eksperience pune minimalisht 3-5 vite (Preferohet eksperience ne fushat e naftes dhe te gasit).
3. Te njohin dhe te punojme me skemat teknologjike
4. Te jene njohes te mire te programeve kompjuterike Autocad, (programe te tjera Stimuluese ne fushen e teknologjise perbejne avantazh).
5. Te jene njohes te mire te gjuhes Angleze. (Gjuhe e dyte perben avantazh).
6. Te jene te afte te punojme ne presion dhe ne orare sipas kerkesave te punedhenesit.
7. Te kene aftesi teknike dhe organizative, te jene dinamik dhe te kene aftesi te punojme ne grup.

Aplikimet mund te dergohen ne adresen e meposhtme:

Vetem kandidatet e perzgjedhur do te therriten per interviste. Afati i fundit I dergimit te dokumentave: 30.06.2018


"Byllis Energji sh.a" the largest company in Albania for process of oil and its byproducts is looking to hire:

Process Engineers and Oil Engineers

Candidates must meet the following criteria’s :

1. Have a degree in Chemistry University or Oil enginery, (Bachelor + MSc)
2. Experience work at least 3-5 years (preferably experience in oil and gas fields).
3. Knowing and working with schemes and mechanical equipment’s, static and dynamic
4. Good knowledge of programs AutoCAD 2D, 3D, (other simulation programs in process field is advantage), Microsoft office, etc
5. Good knowledge of English language. (Knowledge of a second language is an advantage).
6. Ability to work under pressure and timetables according to the employer's requirements.
7. Have technical and organizational skills, dynamic person with ability to work in groups.

Email address for sending documents as below:

Only selected candidates will be invited for interview. Last date for sending documents is 30.06.2018
