• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Web Designer

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
6 Pallati me Shigjeta | Delijorgji
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Dizajn / Webdizajn / Grafik
  1. anglisht
vetem me eksperience

Dinnova AG is an international company with its headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.
We rely on the latest technologies and accompany companies on their leap into the digital world.

Dinnova stands for digital innovation and offers companies from various industries expertise
when it comes to implementing sustainable and innovative software solutions and products of all sizes,
and not only the technical expertise, we bring also years of experience in implementing the desired strategies.

We look after well-known companies from the construction, healthcare, finance, education, media & entertainment sectors as well as employment agencies.

We are aiming to open a branch of the company in the beginning of 2022 in Tirana, Albania.

Are you looking for a job opportunity? Do you like to work in an agile environment? Are you a Web Designer and have more than 5 years experience?
Then send a CV and a cover letter to j.kofina@dinnova.ch and we will come back to you.
