• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Rekrutim

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
7 Rr. e Kavajes | 21 Dhjetori
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Burime njerezore - HR
  1. anglisht
We are looking for a Albanian girls speakers for a Researcher Recruiter position.

If you are looking for a full-time job and you want to develop in recruitment, please contact with us:

Mobile: 0693055390


Send us your CV to the following address:

Email: viktor.social.media.92@gmail.com

place of work: Tirana, good location 5 minutes from Center (Rr e Kavjes)

Job description
- Searching for candidates using the direct method
- Conducting preliminary telephone interviews with workers
- Administrative support for consultants' work
- Preparation and editing of the advertisement
- Initial application selection
- Organizing job workers

- Very good command of the English and a big advantage to know Greek language
- Availability 40-45 hours a week
- Communicativeness and ease of establishing contacts
- Positive attitude to work and a pro-active attitude
- The ability to quickly find information, analyze it and draw conclusions
- Knowledge of MS Office

Cel. : Telefon/ whats up

Apply WhatsApp