• Tirane, ofrohet vend pune PR Coordinator

Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
2 Rr. e Elbasanit | Shkolla Baletit
  1. me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
  1. Menaxhim
vetem me eksperience
We are looking to hire a dynamic PR coordinator to join our agency. In this role, you’ll oversee the agency client’s media communications by drafting PR articles & press releases, organizing PR events, and maintaining good relationships with clients and stakeholders.
What is expected from you? We have tried to arrange a thorough list.

PR Coordinator responsibilities:
- Defining the agency client’s public relations goals by developing and implementing strategies to maintain the client’s public image.
- Writing and distributing detailed press releases, PR articles & promotional social media posts.
- Cultivating strong relationships with media outlets and journalists to ensure efficient communication and maximum coverage
- Scheduling press conferences and public events and coordinating interview requests.
- Working with the agency team to plan and implement client’s campaigns.
- Analyzing the outcome of public relations campaigns and reporting the findings to the related clients.
- Maintaining an up-to-date press list of journalists, influencers, and other members of the media.

PR Coordinator Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in public relations, journalism, marketing, or a relevant field.
- At least 1 year of experience working in the public relations industry.
- A portfolio of successful client work.
- Excellent knowledge of public relations best practices, brand management, and media strategies.
- Exceptional communication skills and the ability to collaborate with personnel and members of the media.
- Superb written skills and knowledge of press release style guides.
- Solid organizational skills and the ability to work well in a fast-paced environment.
- Agency Experience is considered an asset
- Excellent written and spoken English language

- Portfolio or Press Releases, articles and organization of events/conferences involved
- A short Bio/Resume/CV describing experience, achievements, education and trainings.
- A short written form of why you want to work with us

Still interested? Then drop us a line here: info@mccann.al. Deadline to apply is January 31, 2022.

Only selected candidates will be contacted for the second phase.
