• Daily boat tours in Sazan - Daily Boat Tour in Karaburun - Udhetime Turistike ne Sazan dhe Karaburun - Daily Speed Boat Tours

Ofrojme udhetime turistike me anije dhe gomone ne ishullin e Sazanit dhe në plazhet e kaltra të Karaburunit. Rezervoni udhetimin tuaj me anijet dhe gomonet tona. Cmime te arsyeshme dhe sherbim profesional!

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Albumi me anije turistike


Web : www.biznes.laberianews.com
Web : www.laberianews.com
E-mail : laberianews@gmail.com
Tel/SMS/Whatsap :00355682407915
Facebook : Laberia News
Youtube : Laberia News
Instagram : Laberia News

Sherbimet & Produktet:

Udhëtim turistik me anije duke vizituar:

-Plazhet e kaltra të Karaburunit
-Ishullin misterioz te Sazanit
-Gadishullin e Karaburunit
-Shpellen e Haxhi Alise
-Gjirin e Englezit
-Gjirin e Dafinës
-Gjirin e Bristanit
-Restorant ne anije
-Pije freskuese

We offer speed boat tourist trips to the Bay of Vlora, the Karaburun Peninsula and the island of Sazan. Our speed boats performs daily tourist trips on the line Vlora-Sazan-Karaburun-Vlora. In case of booking from different groups, the boat departs according to the booked schedule. The itinerary is:
1- Visit to the island of Sazan,
2- Visit to the Cave of Haxhi Alise (visiting it from the inside for about 15-20 minutes),
3- Visit to the bays of Karaburun.
4- After leaving the cave, stop at one of the bays that tourists prefer to go to the beach and then return to the Port of Vlora.

The maximum capacity of the Boat is 10 people. The boat is comfortable, safe and has all the tools and safety equipment. It has a powerful engine and is very fast.
The price per person is 25 Euro . Guides in Albanian, English and Italian are offered.

Telefon/ Whatsapp: 00355682407915
E-Mail : laberianews@gmail.com
More information/ pictures/ video => Turistic Boats Album - The list with all the boats
Visit : www.biznes.laberianews.com

Some of the bays outside Karaburun that can be visited at an additional cost depending on the distance are:
  • Dafina Bay + Dafina Cave
  • Gulf of Bristan / Bear
  • Gulf of England
  • Grama Bay (and other small bays not visited before)
  • Dhermi
Services & Products
Travel and tourist guides visiting
  • Sazan Island
  • Karaburun Peninsula
  • The cave of Haxhi Ali
  • Gulf of England
  • Dafina Cave
  • Grama Bay
  • Bear Bay
  • Dhermi

Cel. : 00355682407915

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