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Call for Short-Term Consultancy
Analysis of the Situation of Children on the Move: assessing the capacity and the adequacy of the Child Protection System in Albania to ensure the protection of children on the move.
Terms of Reference
MARIO project partners in Albania, Terre des hommes Mission in Albania and
Save the Children are seeking to contract a consultant that displays the human,ethical and technical capacities to conduct a qualitative research on the functionality and adequacy of the child protection system focusing on children on the move with a child participatory approach.
The Situational Analysis aims to inform the work and efforts of Mario project partners and of key private and public stakeholders on the functionality and effectiveness of the existing child protection system in Albania, to track and respond to the needs of children on the move, in terms of accessibility, inclusiveness and pro-activity.
The main goal is to understand the vulnerability factors and the child protection related concerns that children on the move face through applying a child participatory approach and propose solutions that are in the best interest of the children, through advocacy,capacity building of service providers direct assistance to children on the move.
The objectives of this Situational Analysis are to:
1. Carry out extensive desk research, reviewing all the available documentation, particularly official documents and reports to understand the phenomenon of children on the move in Albania, its magnitude and how the current child protection system is tailored to identify and respond to their needs and issues.
2. Assess children's perception and views on how the movement has affected their lives and the relation of movement with the vulnerability of children.
3. Assess children‘s needs of services; what services are available for them in the territory; how much children are informed on those services and the access they have.
4. Assess the effectiveness of the protection system in terms of outreach,
inclusiveness and response.
Situational Analysis process and methods:
 The Situational Analysis process will be facilitated logistically by the respective Mario partner organizations in Albania.
 The methodology applied should follow the “Methodological Guidelines for
Research and Child Consultation” developed by Mario project experts.
 Situational Analysis process will be carry out in collaboration with the Children Consultation Board, established under Mario project and therefore all tools and materials developed to carry out the research should reflect child participatory principles and child friendly techniques Respecting the child protection policies and procedures.
The interested applicants should submit to the human resources department at the e-mail: info@tdhalbania.org
 A letter of Interest highlighting the experience in using such methodologies and
participatory research with children.
 A CV
 A similar related assessment the individual/ NGO has developed where
highlighted the methodology used for data collection and elaboration or any link where we could have access to the work.
All persons who work with Tdh and Save the Children programs are obliged to respect the Child Protection Policy and Procedures attached to this ToR.
The deadline for submitting the application is May 24, 2013.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Terre des hommes Mission in Albania and Save the children in Albania are implementing MARIO project(phase II) – supported by the Oak Foundation. Mario project is a joint effort of influential NGO players in the field of child protection who formed a joint advocacy platform to enforce better protection of migrant children in Europe and put pressure on European and national decision-makers to better protect children from exploitation, abuse and trafficking. The project contributes to the improvement of the system of child protection, targeting child protection systems both at national and European levels. The ultimate goal is the long standing provision of better services to meet the needs and wants of children at risk of exploitation / trafficking. Mario project aims at linking professionals from countries of origin, transit and destination with the purpose to improve services delivered for migrant children by better understanding the context they are coming from and the context of exploitation once arrived.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]http://marioproject.org/[/FONT]

Tel. : +35542 2468 811


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