• Be part of the global labor market! Open Day meeting, to be held on September 2nd 2019, at AIEx Wiener Werkstatt in Tirana

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Be part of the global labor market!

AIEx invites all professionals from industries, such as energy and construction from the engineering, management and economics sectors to the Open Day meeting,
to be held on September 2nd 2019, at AIEx Wiener Werkstatt in Tirana.

Participants will get acquainted with the international qualification programs scheduled to take place during the 2019-2020 season:
EUREM - EURopean EnergyManager and IWS - International

Welding Supervisor in Tirana, as well as exploring employment opportunities in Europe and worldwide.

If you are a mechanical, civil, metal construction or materials engineer, welding supervisor, or have many years of experience in the construction/production field, get informed about the IWS - International Welding Supervisor program.

AIEx is an Approved Training Body (ATB) from the International Welding Institute (IIW) and after the successful completion of the IWS training, the participants are awarded the Diploma according to the internationally recognized standard EN ISO 14731.

Also, if you are a production manager, energy representative, project engineer, technical operator, facility manager, maintenance manager or energy consultant,
get in touch with the ambitious and standardized EUREM program, an international program that is offered in 27 countries around the world.
Following the successful completion of the pilot project funded by the European Commission,

AIEx will continue to offer the highly sought-after training in the field of energy efficiency for albanian professionals.

Join us at AIEx Open Day, explore your opportunities for international qualifications and the safe steps towards a european career.

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