Recent content by KSP Consulting Sh.P.K

  1. K

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Financier me titull "Kontabel i Miratuar"

    KSP Consulting shpk , kerkon te punesoje nje Kontabel te miratuar, qe te kete njohuri shume te mira te gjuhes angleze. Njohja e gjuhes greke perben avantazh. Te gjithe te interesuarit te dergojne CV-ne e tyre ne anglisht, brenda dates 30 Shtator 2014, ne emailin:
  2. K

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Jurist/e

    KSP Consulting shpk kerkon te punesoje nje Jurist/e, i/e cili/a do te veproje ne fushen e marketingut dhe takimeve me kliente te mundshem te kompanise. Kriteret qe duhet te plotesoje jane si me poshte: - Te kete mbaruar Fakultetin e Drejtesise - Te kete eksperience te ngjashme pune - Te kete...
  3. K

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Agjent Shitje

    Albania Medical kerkon te punesoje Agjente Shitje. Kushtet: -Te kete experience te meparshme pune -Kembengules, energjik, pozitv -Aftesi te mira komunikimi me klientin -Te dije shume mire gjuhen greke -Te disponoje makine te tijen Detyrat: -Marktingu dhe shitja e produkteve farmaceutike...
  4. K

    Fier, ofroj vend pune Financier

    KSP Consulting SHPK is a professional accounting-consulting-audit-legal-marketadvisory firm in Tirana, Albania. For the needs of the company we are lookingfor a Finance Specialist. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: · Accounting registrations, preparation of balancesheet and financial reports. ·...
  5. K

    Fier, ofroj vend pune Finance Assistant

    KSP Consulting Shpk is a professional accounting-consulting-audit-legal-marketadvisory firm in Albania. For the needs of the company we are looking for a Finance Assistant to work in Fier. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: · Daily Bookkeeping. · Ensure daily accounting is carried out...
  6. K

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Finance Specialist

    KSP Consulting SHPK is a professional accounting-consulting-audit-legal-marketadvisory firm in Tirana, Albania. For the needs of the company we are lookingfor a Finance Specialist. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: · Accounting registrations, preparation of balancesheet and financial reports. ·...
  7. K

    Fier, ofroj vend pune Financier

    KSP Consulting Albania is a professional accounting-consulting-audit-legal-market advisory firms in Albania. For the needs of the company we are looking for a Finance Assistant to work in Fier. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES ACCOUNTING: - Daily Bookkeeping. - Ensure daily accounting is carried out...