• Kompania Forschner Albania sh.p.k po kerkon Punetor Magazine

Since we were founded over 60 years ago a lot has changed. Markets and technologies.
Requirements and challenges. But one important thing has remained the same: the fact that technology is inconceivable without people.
It is made by people, and used by them.
For this reason in our daily activities, we work will passion, we are masters in our profession, we develop innovation, we fulfilled individual requirements.
So if want to join a company oriented by people when learning process never stops we invite you to sent us your CV.

Kompania Forschner Albania sh.p.k po kerkon Punetor Magazine.

Detyrat dhe pergjegjesit;

  • Pergjegjes per Shkarkim/Ngarkim mallrash;
  • Te kete aftesi shume te mira Komunikuese ne grup;
  • Te kete aftesi shume te mira organizative;
  • Te jete fleksibel me oraret;
  • Raporton ne menyre te menjehershme tek supervizori cdo demtim apo parregullsi;
  • Dieta Ushqimore e perfshire;
  • Mundesi shume e mire Punesimi;


  • Te kete perfunduar shkollen e mesme.

Te interesuarit te dergojne CV ne adresen: infoal@forschner.com ose te kontaktojne ne nr Cel: +355672020814.

Cel. : +355672020814

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