• Studime ne SHBA


Studime në SHBA

There can be no question about the value and importance of a college education. The decision on which college to attend can be difficult, and even more challenging when considering studying abroad. At Globe Institute of Technology, we believe that the quality of the education is measured by the success of our students. Join us as Globe celebrates over 25 years in higher education. We are located in the midtown Manhattan, just below Times Square in the heart of New York City. Globe students represent over 70 different countries from around the world. We invite you to share your culture with our students.

Globe Institute of Technology, ne besojmë se cilësia e mësimdhënies matet me suksesin e studentëve tonë. Regjistrohu në Universitetin Globe me mbi 25 vite eksperiencë në arsimin e lartë. Vendodhja: Manhattan, pranë Time Square në New York.


The mission of Globe Institute of Technology is to provide an education to students from diverse backgrounds, including those who have traditionally underrepresented in higher education and to prepare students with market-ready skills necessary for successful career entry, development and advancement.

Misioni i Globe Institute of Technology është to sigurojë arsimimin e studentëve nga kultura të ndryshme dhe për ti përgatitur ata për një fillim kariere të sukseshme.


Globe Institute of Technology is fully accredited by the New York State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education. Globe proudly offers Bachelors, Associates and credit-bearing Certificates programs, all registered by the New York State Education Department.

Globe Institute of Technology është plotësisht i akredituar nga Bordi i Antarëve të Këshillit të Universiteteve dhe nga Komisioni i Arsimit të Shtetit të New York. Globe me krenari ofron programin e Diplomës, Asocimeve dhe të Certifikatave që mbartin kreodte, të gjitha të regjistruara në Departamentin e Arsimit të Shtetit të New York.


Tuition for International students is $6,300 per semester, plus fees. With over 120 college courses available on a fifteen-week schedule, Globe offers students many Areas of Study:

Accounting* - Banking & Finance - Business Management Computer Information Systems (including Video Game Design) Computer Programming - Healthcare Management - Information Technology Hospitality Management - Legal Office Management - Sports Management
English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are also available!
*Students who complete the Accounting programe become eligible to sit for the CPA exam

Pagesa e mësimdhënies për studentët ndërkombëtar është 6,300 USD për cdo simestër.


Our Division One National Junior College Athletic Department is a premier athletic program on the East Coast. Globe knights Athletes have garnered All-Region, All-District and All-American honors by winning regional tournaments and competing at high national levels. Our men`s and women`s sports team include:+
Women & men`s Soccer - Men`s Football - Men`s Baseball - Women and men`s Basketball - Women`s Volleyball

Globe Institute of Technology

500 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor ∙ New York, NY 10018 ∙ 212-624-1697 (ph) ∙ 212-302-9242 (fx)
Rr.Bogdani. Perballe shkolles “Avni Rustemi” Tirane, tel.fax; 04 2273 692, mob, 0686032802

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